About Keiko
For several years in my mid-twenties,
I worked as a shrine maiden
at Tenkawa Daibenzaiten-sha Shrine
in Nara Prefecture.
After coming back from Tenkawa,
I visited shrines all over Japan
and provided some energy work to clients.
I was suffering from severe atopic dermatitis for many years.
(While living in Tenkawa, it was strangely subdued)
After returning to Tokyo, my atopic dermatitis recurred,
steroid ointment was no longer effective,
and I spent many days in bed.
after I achieved a state of enlightenment,
a series of miraculous coincidences overlapped
and I was completely cured.
That experience is a great spiritual asset in my life.
After moving to NY in 2015,
one day in 2017,
I received some energy into my hands.
I didn't know what it was,
but a year later in 2018
I was told that it was a healing energy.
Then I resumed my spiritual journey with
my master (an awakened person
who lives in Tokyo and cured
his stage4 prostate cancer by himself)
The energy is still being with me all the time.
My session room's name "imakoko"
comes from my nickname "koko"
and "ima" which is
an important word of ”Zen”.
ima = now
koko = here
I do meditating and purification work constantly,
and also have sessions from my master as needed
to keep my condition perfect.
Reiki Healer
Shizen Energy Practitioner
Access Bars® Practitioner
Mindfulness Therapist
(Japan Association for Medical Psychotherapy)
Meditation Instructor
(Japan Instructor Association)
Feel free to contact me from

In addition to do healing sessions,
I am the official photographer for
Harley Owners Group NYC Chapter.
I also make custom cakes