Been taking the Shizen sessions and am amazed on
how relaxed and restful I feel during & afterwards.
Seems to definitely help me with stress and tension.
That sense of calmness continues days, even weeks afterwards.
Most of times, I clearly feel some form of energy at work
while I lay there, almost a releasing effect….
I doze off as that calmness enveloped me.
Looking forward to the next session.
(Mr. J)
I can still remember the feeling of my heart
opening right after the Shizen session,
and every time I think about it, my heart fills with joy.
my habit of thinking things negatively has decreased,
and the environment surrounding me
has also changed for the better.
There have been events
that have shown me that my fears were just illusions,
and I have experienced many realizations.
I am enjoying the comfortable shift in the state of mind.
(Ms. S)
My session (Shizen) felt like a spiritual connection
with myself.
My breathing became slower
and I was not distracted by the sounds of the city.
As I progressed, my mind became clear
and I was able to immediately release any intrusive
thoughts that came to me.
I could feel the distinction between
my body and my spirit.
At one point, with my eyes closed,
I saw the color of royal blue in pixels.
The color came almost like a cloud floating by.
I felt an energy when it arrived like a revival.
When the session ended
I felt calm, peaceful and reflective.
I believe this will guide me towards a more powerful
ability to accept and endure my life’s journey.
(Ms. A)
I had my first Shizen session today with Keiko.
She immediately puts you at ease with a place that is
comfortable and very welcoming and friendly.
I laid down and was very relaxed.
I steadied my breathing and closed my eyes and tried
to quiet my mind.
At first I thought I would not be able to suppress
the noise in my head since we live in a go go go society.
Keiko started her process and I found myself
not feeling anxious but relaxed and just let
my body and mind just be.
I felt safe and was able to drift off in my consciousness
and try to let the energies flow through me.
At one point I felt her hands above my head
and saw a purple energy in my minds eye.
It started close to my eyes then would dart away
and come back close.
Almost in a rhythmic fashion helping me receive
her healing energy.
I found myself at one with my deeper conscious
and ultimately let go of the now
and just be present in the moment.
My 70 minute session felt like 15 minutes.
It was so pleasant and time seemed to fly by.
I “awoke” in a calm submissive state, well rested
and very mentally alert and centered.
I suggest anyone who is looking for a therapy
and has an open mind to do yourself a favor
and go see Keiko and try this!
Whether it’s out of curiosity or
just trying something different you owe it to yourself.
As Yoda once said
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
I can’t wait to go again and just do!
Arigato, Keiko!
(Mr. F)
My Access Bars session with Keiko was
like an out of body experience.
(Actually it wasn't out of body,
lots of big karma releases have been made )
After Keiko put me into a relaxed state,
I was unable to move my arms or legs.
During the 90 minute session,
my arms and hands were moving on their own.
It was as if my body and mind were working
through the pain and releasing it.
At one point, my arms moved close to my sides and
I was shivering.
My arms and hands then opened up with
what I would describe as a big release and
then my body moved back to the original relaxed state.
I felt the energy from Keiko’s fingertips
as she moved through the points.
I saw some white specs of light with my eyes closed
during the treatment.
I also had some physical pain in my shoulder
that became more intense during the treatment.
But completely gone after we finished.
After the treatment I felt revitalized with better clarity
and openness.
Days after the treatment I feel as if I have better focus
and that my mind body and soul are open
and ready to take in the world and all its inhabitants.
Thank you Keiko!
(Ms. C)
After the Covid-19 period,
I didn't feel satisfied with my life.
So I decided to have Access Bars session.
Normally I can't sleep well at home
but I slept soundly during the session.
I might have been snoring.
Days after the session,
the habit of being too obsessed gradually decreased.
I became kinder to people and started to like myself.
Thank you.
(Ms R)
After the Access Bars session,
I felt less depressed about things than before.
Surprised at how easy life is for me now,
I live a calm and relaxed life.
Thank you so much!
(Ms. S)
I felt the energy from the moment
koko put her hands on my head
at the beginning of the Access Bars session.
And I felt a sense that clearing was being done considerably
especially from the second half.
After the session, I felt so refreshed.
Keiko is a wonderful healer.
Looking forward to coming here again.
(Mr. H)